Keep It Simple Sweetie
Life is full of many challenges, especially in the face of uncertainty. How do you find the hope, energy, and inspiration you need to carry you through these times?
Keep It Simple Journals and Planners help you build a more precise, realistic, and positive vision for the coming months.
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What do you value? What do you need to thrive in the world and thrive in your life?
It’s hard to dream big dreams when the world is in chaos and uncertainty. How do we deal? KISS journals help you live your most fulfilling life. These journals and planners can help you improve your happiness and find more peace. It will show you how to discover your strengths, how change from a victim mentality to an empowered one, and even how to transition to a joyful new life.
Prioritize what’s most important to you so you can live a life you love, be happy and fulfilled and give back to others around you.
Empower Yourself
It is very satisfying to feel that you are capable of doing something great, and this is just one reason that journaling is so beneficial.
Organizing and becoming more mindful in your life has never been easier! Writing in a journal will help you effectively see your life with more clarity and understanding. When you feel as if everything is under control, you will feel motivated to make the changes you always wish you had.
Get to Know Yourself
It seems like people are giving up on themselves and others. We are overwhelmed with unhappiness and it is easy to be in a bad mood.
Grateful living is about being appreciative of all the good in your life. It’s a way of life that invites you to enjoy everything you have, no matter how challenging it may be. Living gratefully helps you to appreciate the world around you and to be more compassionate with yourself and others. As you put more effort into paying attention to your ‘mind and thoughts’, you’ll live more fully with wonder, joy, and love.
Being happy and grateful is like a garden. And just like any garden; weeds endure. You have to be active within your garden to make sure that you are removing the things that ‘take over’ the beautiful flowers. You have to make an active choice to set aside time and cultivate your garden.
Your life and happiness are the same way. You must constantly and actively be pulling the ‘weeds’ of pessimism and stress so you can focus on mindfulness, gratefulness, and peace of mind. Many of us need help finding new perspective and the KISS journals can help you find it in an organized way.
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Keep It Simple 2022
Daily Planner
Start each month with a guided prompt; take notes each day to practice and reflect on what you have written. Extra dot journaling space at the end of every month gives you more space to write down even more thoughts.
Building Resilience: Daily Prayer Planner (Bible in a Year)
• Set goals and develop habits with guided prompts
• Suggested timeline to complete scriptures and notes, however you can write and reflect at your own pace
• Dot journaling pages for extra space to write down thoughts, questions, ideas and motivations
• Gray dots on white pages
Keep It Happy: Finding Joy
Bloom Where You are Planted
What would be different if you had more joy in your life? Would you be closer to achieving your goals? Joy is powerful and simple and yet so hard to harness. When you experience joy, it opens up your mind and allows you to be more creative and productive.
Grateful. Joyful. Resilient. Intention: Guided Prompts for Journaling Your Way to More Mindfulness
These guided prompts are perfect for your journey to self reflect and become a better person. If you are on a journey of discovery and realize how much power gratefulness and mindfulness has on your daily life, be thoughtful and answer the prompts in the journal honestly to take the time and get to know yourself, what you want, so you can reach a better appreciation for your life.